Required Role Check Security Improvement

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Jenkins agents communicate with the controller using the remoting library. Individual messages (implementations of the Callable interface) instruct the other side of the bidirectional communication channel to perform operations and/or provide information.


Implementations are expected to restrict where they can be executed by their implementation of a role check. This role check is run after receiving the object through a communication channel and is expected to reject the execution of the Callable when it is determined to run on an unexpected side of that channel. For example, the Callable implementing the functionality for Jenkins to run OS commands (usually build tools and build scripts) on another system is only allowed to be sent from a controller to an agent, but not in the other direction.

From Jenkins 2.319 and Jenkins LTS 2.303.3, Jenkins requires that role checks are performed by Callable implementations. This change aims to prevent the execution on the controller of callables with an incomplete implementation. Any plugin that fails to work in the Jenkins releases mentioned above will need to be updated.

Identifying Broken Plugins

The security improvement detects when a plugin implementing an inadequate role check attempts to send a Callable through the remoting channel from the agent to the controller and throws a SecurityException causing a log message like the following:

Security hardening prohibits the Callable implementation io.jenkins.demo.MyCallable ↵
  from ignoring RoleChecker, see

This change will not prevent implementations from deliberately declaring themselves to be safe to execute on the controller. Instead, this aims to prevent the impact of simple programming mistakes.

Known Affected Plugins

As of 2021-11-04, no plugins are known to be affected by this security hardening.

Not all plugins that implement an empty role check are negatively impacted by this security hardening. They may not require these callables to be sent from an agent to the controller for execution as part of their regular functionality. In those cases, it is still recommended to update the plugin as described in the developer documentation.


While fixes for affected plugins are not yet available, administrators can allow the execution of specific callables on the controller, or disable this security hardening altogether.

Doing either will potentially allow attackers able to control an agent process to execute unsafe code on the Jenkins controller. It is recommended that individual callables are only allowed after careful review of their code to ensure they’re not unsafe to execute. See the developer documentation for considerations what constitutes unsafe Callable behavior.

Allow specific callables

To allow specific, known safe callables to execute on any end of any remoting communication channel despite their empty role check, do either of the following:

Set the Java system property hudson.remoting.ChannelBuilder.specificCallablesCanIgnoreRoleChecker to a comma-separated list of class names. The class names are the same as in the error message.

Alternatively, you can use the Jenkins script console. This approach is immediately effective and does not require Jenkins to be restarted first, but is only effective until Jenkins is restarted. Run this script, replacing the callable class name as needed:

import hudson.remoting.ChannelBuilder

Run this script once for every callable you want to allow.

Disable security hardening

To disable the security hardening altogether, set the Java system property hudson.remoting.ChannelBuilder.allCallablesCanIgnoreRoleChecker to true.

Alternatively, you can use the Jenkins script console. This approach is immediately effective and does not require Jenkins to be restarted first, but is only effective until Jenkins is restarted. Run this script:

hudson.remoting.ChannelBuilder.CALLABLES_CAN_IGNORE_ROLECHECKER = true

Fixing Plugins

See the developer documentation for advice how to change plugins to be compatible with this change while not creating a security vulnerability.