Google Season of Docs in Jenkins

This site is the new docs site currently being tested. For the actual docs in use please go to

Google Season of Docs

The Google Season of Docs (GSoD) program brings together open source and technical writers communities for the benefit of both. The program raises awareness of open source, of docs, and of technical writing. GSoD in Jenkins is organized by the Documentation special interest group.

Project Ideas

Significant documentation project opportunities are listed in the Google Season of Docs project ideas.

Getting started

If you are interested to participate in Google Season of Docs as a technical writer, please do the following:

  1. Join our Gitter Channel.

  2. Explore the project ideas listed on this page, find areas which would be interesting to you.

  3. Try contributing to Jenkins documentation to study our documentation tools and contribution process. There are some newcomer-friendly documentation tasks you could try.

  4. If you start exploring the project before May 29, consider joining our UI/UX hackfest which includes the user documentation track. It is a good opportunity to get know the community better.

  5. Send an introductory email to our mailing list. Please include a short self-introduction and list projects which would be interesting to you.


Technology and tools

For all new documentation projects we are using the Documentation as Code approach when documentation is developed using markup languages and stored in source control management (SCM) systems. Here are the common tools we use:

Particular components may also require additional tools for documentation development. For example, the website requires Docker for being built and tested locally. In such cases we document usage of these tools in our contributing guidelines and help newcomer maintainers if needed.


We use the Documentation SIG communication channels for GSoD project discussions during the application phases.

Once the projects are announced, other project-specific channels may be created as needed.

Additional Information

Office Hours

Documentation office hours are held each Tuesday at 02:00 UTC (Asia and US West) and each Thursday at 16:00 UTC (Europe and US East). Meetings are conducted and recorded using Zoom and archived to the Jenkins YouTube channel in the Jenkins Docs SIG YouTube playlist. Participant links are posted in the SIG Gitter Chat 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Participant links are also available in the Jenkins event calendar.

Previous years

  • GSoD 2021 - not accepted

    The Docs SIG organization proposal as a mentoring organization in Google Season of Docs 2021 was declined. See the retrospective for future improvements.